An End of Summer Reflection

Image via Unsplash

As August draws to a close we begin to pack up our beach chairs and toss the flip flops to the back of the closet. ‘Back to school’ advertisements flood our channels and we feel like we’re ready for a “fresh start” with the new season that September brings. 

But before we charge ahead to chunky-knit sweaters and everything pumpkin spice, it’s often helpful to pause for a brief period of reflection - what did you do this summer? How did it feel? What took up most of your time and mental energy? 

Try out these journaling prompts for a end of summer reflection: 

  1. What’s one thing that made you laugh in August?
  2. What’s one thing you learned about yourself this summer? 
  3. What are you leaving behind this summer? 
  4. What new things are you making room for this autumn? 

The practice of reflection encourages us to be present in our lives! It can sometimes jolt us out of that feeling of ‘sleepwalking’ and give space for our thoughts and feelings to breathe. And prompt us to be more intentional as we head into a new season - maybe there are routines or habits you want to change? Or ones you discovered you love and want to stick to! These insights are just on the other side of some time for reflection. 

Our practice is here to help in your reflection - reach out to to schedule a free consultation. 

By: Maddy Weingast, Assistant for Wildflower Therapy LLC


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